Homemade Trail Mix Recipe

This homemade trail mix recipe is loaded with healthy fats from wholesome nuts, dried fruit, and your favorite add-ins. It is a great snack when you’re on the go, traveling, or you just need to satisfy a mid-afternoon crunch craving.

spilled trail mix from above

My friends and family know I never leave the house without snacks in my purse. I’m the person who is always thinking about her next meal. I’m also a ‘grazer’ who prefers lots of smaller portions throughout the day so I never want to be out running errands and not have something with me.

trail mix with orange

Let’s face it, when hunger hits your body craves anything and everything. This is caused by a drop in blood sugar which leads us to crave the sugary, salty, high carbohydrate snacks (chips, candy bars, baked goods, etc). That’s why I always pack something healthy with me so I can curb my appetite until my next meal. This healthy homemade trail mix is a great portable snack that is packed with nutrients. It keeps me full and satisfied.

Store bought vs homemade

Trail mix has gotten a bad rap over the years. This is because store bought brands include a wide variety of ingredients including salted or candied nuts, potato chips, candy pieces, and sweetened dried fruit. In addition, they often contain additives such as hydrogenated oil, sugar, syrups, or even more salt which really make the trail mix unhealthy. However, making your own at home is really simple and you get to control the ingredients. This means it’s healthier and you even save some money!

homemade trail mix up close

Also, by making your own homemade trail mix you get to have fun customizing it to your liking. When I used to buy prepared trail mixes there was always at least one item I didn’t like and picked around. Use this recipe more as a guideline and swap in your favorite nuts, dried fruit (preferably sugar free), and additional add-ins. Also, this recipe is great to make with kids because they can have fun customizing their own snack.

Healthy Trail mix recipe:

  • Nuts (1 Cup total, choose combination) almonds, cashews, pistachios, peanuts, walnuts, pecans, or macadamia. Ideally purchase raw or roasted nuts that are unsalted, unsweetened and not covered in hydrogenated oil.
  • Complex Carbohydrate (1 Cup) whole grain cereals like Cheerios, Puffins, shredded wheat or other healthy whole grain brands, whole wheat crackers, puffed rice cereal, or air popped popcorn. Complex carbohydrates will add extra fiber which will help keep you full. Avoid the highly processed sugary cereals.
  • Dried fruit (~1/4 Cup, pending size of dried fruit) apricots, craisins, raisins, apples, banana chips, blueberries, mango, pineapple, etc… In moderation dried fruit is a great source of antioxidants, fiber, calcium and numerous vitamins.
  • Add-ins (1/4 Cup or less) seeds, dark chocolate, unsweetened coconut flakes, pretzels, peanut butter chips, wasabi peas, butterscotch chips, chocolate covered nuts, or dried ginger. We all need a little something sweet to round out the mix, just remember to add them sparingly. Adding dark chocolate will add extra antioxidants.
  • Also, feel free to sprinkle some extra seasonings to enhance/change the flavor: cinnamon, pumpkin spice, cayenne or chili pepper. Be creative!

trail mix in muffin tin

Examples of different combinations

  • My recipe: almonds, cashews, whole grain Puffins cereal, dried apricots, dried blueberries, dark chocolate chips
  • Tropical: cashews, macadamia nuts, whole grain cereal, unsweetened coconut flakes, dried pineapple, white chocolate chips
  • Peanut butter dream: Cheerios multigrain peanut butter cereal, mini peanut butter cracker sandwiches, peanuts, almonds, dark chocolate chips
  • Fall flavors: Cinnamon flavored whole grain cereal, almonds, pecans, pumpkin seeds, craisins, dried apples, butterscotch chips
  • Bring on the heat: Cashews, pistachios, wasabi peas, popcorn, dried apricots, sprinkle cayenne pepper
  • Banana Breakfast blend: Banana nut Cheerios, Almonds, walnuts, banana chips, dark chocolate chips

snack mix in bags

Something to be mindful of, nuts are very healthy but nutrient dense, meaning a small amount has a good number of calories and fat. So, it is best to portion out your trail mix into small Ziploc bags so you don’t mindlessly eat it. Even though this trail mix is higher in calories, it is loaded with nutrients like protein, healthy fats, fiber, and other vitamins and minerals. And just because it is healthy does not mean you can’t add some of the fun add-ins. A little bit goes a long way and can help satisfy your sweet tooth.

snack bags

Try this healthy homemade trail mix! While you’re at it, check out my other healthy snack ideas like my black bean dip, zucchini fries or Greek yogurt with fruit.

knocked over trail mix

Homemade Trail Mix

Prep Time8 minutes
Total Time8 minutes
Servings: 5


  • 1 Cup Whole Grain Cereal (I used Barbaras Bakery Morning Oat Crunch cereal)
  • 1 Cup Nuts (I did 1/2 C almonds, 1/2 C cashews)
  • 1/4 Cup Dried Blueberries
  • 15 pieces Dried Apricot (3 per serving/ ziploc)
  • 1/4 Cup Dark chocolate pieces (a little less)


  • Measure ingredients into medium size bowl, mix well. Store in airtight container or glass jar. Or divide evenly into 5 small ziploc bags. Enjoy!

Nutrition Facts

(per 1 serving, 5 total servings):
282 Calories, 15 grams fat, 7 grams protein, 31 grams total carbohydrate, 5 grams Fiber, 15 grams sugar 46 milligrams sodium
Note: Use this recipe more as a guideline. Feel free to add more or less of any ingredient. Also, Nutrition Facts will vary based on what nut, dried fruit and add-ins you choose. 
Add a sprinkle of seasonings to change the flavor: cinnamon, pumpkin spice, cayenne or chili pepper, etc...

What’s your favorite trail mix combination? Share in the comments below. Also, be sure to stay in touch and follow me on FacebookInstagram and Pinterest

Save the recipe, make it later!

Homemade Trail Mix in a bowl

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